Achieving accountable government

Don’t be lulled by the promise of a Trump economic stimulus. The threat is to American democracy itself
While the markets seem to approve of Donald Trump’s protectionist economic policies, the security of America’s fundamental institutions has gone largely undiscussed. Piroska Nagy Mohacsi argues that the economy cannot thrive if America’s democratic institutions falter. Americans must be vigilant in defending them. Similar PostsThey had a dream. Now Trump will scrub the melting pot cleanBrian […]

The ultimate test for anti-Brexit MPs: will they resign their seats?
MPs who feel strongly enough about a particular issue – whether Heathrow expansion, the Anglo-Irish Agreement or increasing pre-trial detention – have sometimes resigned their seats and stood again as independents or for another party. Will anti-Brexit MPs adopt this strategy? Sean Swan says it is fraught with risks, but resigning en masse would be the […]

Concentrating minds: how the Greeks designed spaces for public debate
What can we learn from ancient Greece when it comes to designing spaces for political debate? In an article for Theatrum Mundi, Richard Sennett describes how ancient Athenians used amphitheatres and the agora to debate, take decisions and participate in public life. He recalls Aristotle’s notion of how a complex urban society could reconcile differences. Modern societies – […]

It’s distasteful – but giving a despot an easy way out can stop further bloodshed
In this exclusive extract from Brian Klaas’ new book, The Despot’s Accomplice, he argues that – however distasteful it may be to the principle of justice – offering despots a way out can prevent further bloodshed. This is because they frequently know they have nothing to lose by fighting to the death. Furthermore, research shows […]

Time’s running out: Brexit scrutineers Hilary Benn and Angus MacNeil need to get a move on
Hilary Benn and Angus MacNeil are now in charge of the two most important of the many parliamentary committees scrutinising Brexit. Sophie Wilson urges them to act quickly. The Departments for Exiting the EU and Trade are already hard at work, and only 17 sitting weeks remain before the March deadline for Article 50 to be […]

What holds a democracy together – political parties, or the party system itself?
Political parties and party systems are generally regarded as essential in a democracy. But is it the health of the parties themselves that is vital, or a strong party system? Fernando Casal Bértoa looks at the relationship between the institutionalisation of parties and party systems in 64 European regimes since 1848. He concludes that the health […]

No longer fit for purpose: it’s time to change the way we elect London Assembly Members
London Assembly Members are elected using the Additional Member System. It’s a big improvement on first past the post, argues Charley Jarrett, but it’s now leading to inertia, with AMs lacking an incentive to tell constituents about their work. Ten of the 14 London seats have never changed party control and there is no way […]

Reluctant elites: democratic innovations are popular – but rare. Brexit shows why
People want more say in the democratic process – by voting in referendums and taking part in town hall debates, for example. But in fact these kinds of democratic innovation are rare. Caroline Close and Lidia Núñez explain how parties in power have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are, particularly given how risky referendums can […]