Achieving accountable government

Is public sector broadcasting in Scotland under threat?
In Scotland, the debate on the future of the BBC, and Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) more generally, has taken a specific form shaped by a longstanding demands for greater autonomy. Philip Schlesinger argues that the Scottish debate about the future of the BBC, has been – and will be – shaped by wider constitutional questions, current politics and changes […]

Towards a critical data science – the complicated relationship between data and the democratic project
What is driving the rise in data-driven techniques used by politicians and political campaigns to connect with the concerns and needs of citizens? Will a data-driven approach to political campaign messaging disrupt the “echo chamber” effect that is perceived to emerge within online spaces? Jo Bates finds the role of data science in the development of […]

Unless they can reinvent themselves for the populist age, the (political) party may well be over
In Spain and across much of the rest of Europe, non-mainstream – and often populist – political parties of different stripes are prospering as mainstream parties struggle to find the right language to justify their existence. Nick Pearce argues that as voters desert mainstream parties, it is social democratic parties that face the biggest challenge […]

Widespread democratic change could trigger meaningful action on climate change
Meaningful multilateral action on climate change has been hard to come by, with objections from several countries – most notably the United States – often derailing attempts to bring carbon emissions down and thus global temperatures at a more manageable level. Here, Andrea Westall argues that democratic innovation and change could create a political context in which […]

Granting a free vote on the EU referendum could see Cameron keep the peace within his party
David Cameron has announced that he will grant the members of his cabinet the right to campaign against Britain’s continued EU membership when the question of whether to stay or remain is put to Britain’s voters. Here, Eunice Goes argues that while the decision may not have been an easy one, it could see him […]

Whether Britain stays in the EU or not, there’s a democratic deficit that must be addressed
With a New Year and the holiday season coming to an end, the EU referendum campaign is heating up. Josiah Mortimer writes that since our membership of European Union is a crucial constitutional issue, there’s one issue that can’t be ignored: democracy. Similar PostsBook review: Slippery Slope: Europe’s Troubled Future, by Giles MerrittOpen Letter to […]

Distorting Discourse: Transparent debate needs sincerity, not soundbites
‘Big Society’ and ‘green government’ disappeared, tax credits policy U-turned twice while still imposing cuts, and ‘economically responsible’ austerity ignored economists’ criticisms and evidence of exacerbated poverty. Liam Anderson argues that, while certainly not unique to this cabinet, the disconnect between rhetoric and action characterises their communications with the public generally. This lacks sincerity and […]

Elections to the NHS show that online voting is still in its infancy
The 1997-2010 Labour government introduced elections to certain authorities which oversee the National Health Service. Some of these elections now take place online, with ballots cast digitally. The Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy recommended last year that digital voting be expanded to UK general elections in order to help foster a climate of improved engagement. […]

The Carmichael case shows that we need a stronger public understanding of the key democratic role that election courts perform
Alistair Carmichael, the Liberal Democrat MP who served as the Secretary of State for Scotland in the 2010-2015 Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition, has survived the court case which threatened to strip him of his Orkney and Shetlands parliamentary seat. Heather Green follows up on her previous article for Democratic Audit, arguing that it is disappointing that public […]