Achieving accountable government

A British departure from the EU will not inevitably lead to Scottish independence. Referendums are always unpredictable
Determining whether or not a Brexit will inevitably lead to the breakup of the United Kingdom is anything short of an educated guess. Jan Zurawski argues that the example of the volatility of Scotland’s public opinion regarding voting on the independence of their country may as well be replicated when it comes to the European […]

Some types of leading question should be banned from court
Court cases have enormous repercussions for thousands of individuals lives each year, so the integrity of the process is of paramount importance. Jacqueline Wheatcroft argues that what constitutes a ‘leading question’ needs clarification, and that legal understanding and definition of these questions needs refinement and revision. Similar PostsDefending the rule of law against the UK government’s ‘slash and burn’The case for […]

Governing public services in England and Wales: a move from the stakeholder model could further the democratic deficit
A great deal of attention is given to roles of both Chief Executives and members of the Senior Management Team in many organisations, yet the work of the governing board is frequently neglected. Comparing England and Wales, Jacqueline Baxter and Catherine Farrell argue that we’re witnessing a shift away from the predominantly stakeholder model of board membership, which could […]

Blocking the Front National from power risks increasing its supporters’ disenchantment with the political system
Despite leading in six out of 13 regions in the first round of the French regional elections on 6 December, Marine Le Pen’s Front National finished in third place on Sunday. Chris Terry writes that this swing of fortunes is in a large part due to the two round electoral system used, which in many […]

Assessing the Civil Service: how good is the UK?
How can the Civil Service measure and improve their performance? Stephanie Anscomb and Jon Wallis review existing international indicators and explain how the Civil Service is performing according to those. But they also explain why it is important to develop a new indicator that would help them measure areas such as openness and innovation. Similar PostsAustralian […]

Despite the tax credit U-turn a radical upheaval in support for the working poor is still underway
The government’s decision to scrap tax credit cuts was a welcome move, and (eventually) highlighted the effectiveness of the British political system’s checks and balances. However, Daniel Clegg writes that the abandoned cuts were just one part of a more drawn-out and comprehensive dismantlement of the system of cash support for low-earning households. Tax credit U-turn […]

MP expenses and the media: a more informed analysis shows many MPs spend far less than allowed
Comparisons of MP expenses in the media are often highly deficient as they omit crucial explanations and qualifications, writes Raphael Heuwieser. He argues that although some parliamentarians act irresponsibly with regard to their expenses and should be held accountable, an objective and fair assessment should be used to identify them. Similar PostsDoes the online tool WriteToThem foster meaningful […]

Book Review: Making British Law: Committees in Action by Louise Thompson
In Making British Law: Committees in Action, Louise Thompson presents a history and statistical analysis of the work of bill committees – formerly known as standing committees – and their influence over the process of making British law. Thompson offers a well-evidenced argument that goes beyond the statistics to persuasively account for the role and importance […]

An enduring legacy? The independence referendum may not herald the beginning of a new era of political engagement
The independence referendum fundamentally changed Scottish politics, with an extraordinarily high turnout of 84.6% leading some to speculate that a new era of political engagement had begun. But as Heinz Brandenburg, Zach Greene, Neil McGarvey and Stephen Campbell show, that may not be the case – with those who were brought to the polls for the first time likely […]