Involving young people in democracy

A school’s recent mock Scottish referendum shows the wisdom of engaging children in politics from a young age
Manchester Grammar School recently held a mock referendum on Scottish independence, in which ‘No’ won a more resounding victory than it managed on October 18th. The head of Politics at the school, Richard Kelly, argues that the event was worthwhile despite not having any bearing on anything in particular, in that it showed the importance of […]

A citizens convention must include a wider range of voices than just resident adult citizens
In the wake of Scotland’s ‘No’ vote in the referendum on Scottish independence, there have been calls for a wider review of the UK’s constitutional arrangements, with particular attention paid to the idea of a citizens convention. David Owen’s contribution to this debate follows on from contributions on the idea and practical form a convention, and focuses […]

How to design a constitutional convention for the UK
The referendum on Scottish independence has sparked a flurry of speculation as to what reforms to the UK constitution would be most welcome and realistic. One suggestion that has been repeatedly mooted is a constitutional convention of the kind held by Canada, Iceland, and Scotland previously. Alan Renwick argues that any model applied to the UK […]

20 things we learned about democracy in September 2014
September 2014 was a big month for democracy, with party conferences and of course the Scottish independence referendum. Democratic Audit’s Sean Kippin rounds up 20 things that we learned about democracy this month, and talks about the referendum and conferences, but also elections in the House of Lords, human rights, and KFC chicken. Similar PostsThe […]

Whatever the challenges and drawbacks, young women should continue to engage in politics
Young women often find it difficult to have their voices heard in what continues to be an older and male dominated sphere. Rosie Corrigan, the country’s youngest Mayor, argues that women have much to contribute, and despite the various drawbacks, challenges and restrictions that face young women attempting to create genuine change in their communities, […]

Extending the franchise in Scotland to 16 year olds was progress which should be capitalised on, not rolled back
The Scottish referendum was not only historic for its constitutional implications, it was also the first time in the UK that 16 and 17 year olds were allowed to vote. But what are the reasons for including younger people in the electorate, and what might the consequences be for their future participation? Emily Rainsford analyses the potential […]

Compulsory political education is a must if we are to stem the flow of disengagement from politics
It is little wonder that young people continue to be turned off politics, argues Matteo Bergamini, when politics is something that is generally not discussed at school. He argues that we need dedicated political education to help young people understand the system that they are expected to become full participants in upon reaching the age […]

20 things we learned about democracy in August 2014
Parliament was in recess throughout August, despite calls for its recall. Even so, none of this meant that British democracy stopped last month, with numerous interesting facts, factoids, and observations revealing themselves. Sean Kippin of Democratic Audit selects the best and most interesting. Similar Posts20 things we learned about democracy in March 201520 things we […]

There is much that can be learned from Scotland’s decision to lower the voting age for the Independence referendum
The Electoral Commission this week began a publicity drive to ensure that people register to vote in the referendum. It has launched a dedicated website and is working with Facebook to target potential younger voters including 16 and 17 year olds who will be able to vote for the first time. Andy Mycock looks at the […]

A genuine economic democracy would provide the efficiency of the market system without the associated injustice
Recent years have seen a spate of protests in which the structure of the global economy has been structured. But there is an alternative to the current arrangements, with workers co-ops, public banks and participatory budgeting all shown to be successful and efficient. It’s time to take democratic control of our economy, says Tom Malleson. Similar PostsA […]