May 2018 local elections

England’s local elections 2018: the Lib Dems’ performance was underwhelming – but these were not the elections to judge the party on
Despite media headlines to the contrary, the Liberal Democrats’ performance in the recent local elections was pretty underwhelming, explains David Cutts. But it is the 2019 local elections that will tell us more about the long-term viability of the party, since those will concern a larger number of English districts where the Lib Dems will be seeking to reclaim ground lost to the Conservatives since 2010.

England’s local elections 2018: Theresa May holds on, but the Conservatives remain on the precipice
The results for England’s local elections on 3 May indicate that the Conservatives and Labour parties remain neck and neck for national vote share. Ben Margulies argues that, though Theresa May has been more successful in local elections then elsewhere in her premiership, the Conservatives remain in a precarious position, with no easy path to regaining a majority.

Local elections: diverse voices are being drowned out by the undemocratic voting system in England and Wales
England’s local councillors are elected under a First Past the Post electoral system with multi-member wards. As a result, Chris Terry argues, the results will be strongly non-proportional and so the system needs to be reformed.

England’s local elections 2018: why the results will matter for both government and opposition parties
On Thursday, 3 May, there are local elections in many towns and cities across England, including London. Tony Travers assesses what is at stake for the main parties, and what the key benchmarks for success will be in terms of local results and national equivalent vote share.

England’s local elections 2018: previewing Liverpool and Wirral
With local elections coming up across England on Thursday, 3 May, Tom Laing previews the competitive seats on both sides of the River Mersey in Liverpool and Wirral. Like many of the metropolitan areas with elections this week, they offer few opportunities for Labour to advance beyond their already dominant position.

England’s local elections: how councillor numbers are being reduced by stealth
Local elections are being held across England on 3 May, but finding out where and for which seats is not always straightforward. Of more concern, writes Chris Game, is that the number of local councillors is gradually being reduced, in a process that lacks transparency, proper scrutiny and a clear, democratic rationale.

England’s local election’s 2018: what’s at stake in Birmingham?
On 3 May, there are local council elections across England. All 101 council seats are being contested for Birmingham City Council, making this closely fought race one to watch. Jack Bridgewater previews the city’s elections.

Will the ‘youthquake’ shake up the 2018 local elections?
Youth engagement was heralded by some as a key factor in the 2017 UK general election result but what impact could it have in the 2018 local elections? Erica Belcher argues that this enthusiasm may not necessarily translate to the local level, but it’s more important than ever for young people to engage in local politics.

England’s local elections 2018: bridging the information gap with the Democratic Dashboard
On 3 May, voters across England have the chance to vote in elections to their local councils. The Democratic Dashboard is Democratic Audit’s voter resource, which brings together an array of information on the local elections taking place. Our aim is to simplify the complicated world of local elections in the UK, and present the essential information in an effort to boost participation. The UK has one of the lowest rate of electoral participation by young people in the OECD, especially at local elections, and we hope to play a part in using the digital environment to bridge the information gap, writes Joshua Townsley.